Monday, September 04, 2006


After a ridiculous struggle trying to remember my forgotten password (I had the account registered to an old email address and it kept sending my password reminders to it), I finally beat the system and have made my way back to my own blog. YES!

Of course, it's been weeks since I have been able to post, so you have missed buckets of witty snippets about the world of gaming at large. At any rate, it's water under the bridge, so I'll get to the point of what's been on my mind the past few days.

It seems that Squaresoft has realized that no matter how many Final Fantasy games they make, people keep talking about how great FF 7 was. After a while they caught on and decided to make a whole bunch of games extending from that universe. They also made a film, Advent Children. It was lovely to look at and traditionally vague, as Square tends to be, but I liked it anyway. Or maybe I just really liked coming back to the FF 7 universe. At any rate, I had read about the next upcoming release, Dirge of Cerberus, which allowed a character from FF 7 named Vincent Valentine to have his own adventures. This one was just released, and I've tried to track it down with no luck. Today is Labor Day, so I hope that people are too busy having barbeques to want to stay inside playing games. Then I can finally swoop in and snatch up a copy to check out.

Edit: Still no copies avaliable, goddammitt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The local Fry's Electronics has some. I can pick you up a copy...